What is Sedera? Welcome to the Sedera Medical Cost Sharing Community! It’s no secret that America’s healthcare system has problems. Health care costs are increasingly unaffordable for ordinary people. Health insurance often limits people’s access to providers of their choice. Costs lack transparency and providers lack accountability. These problems make people feel frustrated, confined, and overwhelmed; but it doesn’t need to be this way.
That is why Sedera was created.
Sedera Medical Cost Sharing is peer-to-peer sharing of large, unexpected medical costs through a membership-based Community. Sedera is not insurance. It is a cost-sharing membership and platform that shares large and unexpected medical expenses.
Sedera is a Medical Cost Sharing community, providing employees a new approach to manage their health care needs. Sedera members join a community of like-minded individuals who are committed to leading a healthy lifestyle and want to be active and engaged participants in their health care decision making.
Members of the Sedera Medical Cost Sharing Community (“Sedera MCS Community”) remain responsible for paying their own healthcare costs. But, if these healthcare costs are shareable as agreed to and outlined in the community’s guidelines, the other members of the community can contribute funds to partially offset these healthcare costs. This Sedera model is built on the legacy of the faith-based medical cost sharing platform and borrows from the best innovations of the modern sharing economy.
The Sedera MCS Community promotes open access to healthcare, and it gives members the freedom to choose their medical providers. There is no provider network. Instead, Sedera Inc., the entity that services the community, works with members to seek cost savings, help obtain more transparency from medical professionals, and provide caring customer service.
Sedera’s goal is to provide exceptional service to members of our community, reduce their healthcare costs and empower them to lead healthier lives. Together, we are tapping the power of community to create a new normal in healthcare.
For more information contact Bill Willis
Buckeye Health Alliance/Sedera
330-807-9991 | bill@buckeyehealthalliance.com