One of the leading nonprofit organizations serving Columbus Ohio / Franklin County area is IMPACT Community Action. Their mission is “to fight poverty by providing hope-inspiring help and real opportunities for self-sufficiency.”
Community Action was founded in 1964 by President Lyndon Johnson’s Vision for A Great Society that ushered in Civil Rights reform, Economic Opportunities for all citizens and began the War on Poverty.
IMPACT Community Action is one of 48 Community Action Agencies in Ohio and one of more than 1,100 nationally. Today they have a current agency budget of $85 million and a staff of over 100 employees who serve over 30,000 customers annually. They are on the frontline of the war on poverty and are dedicated to fighting poverty by providing hope-inspiring help and real opportunities for self – sufficiency.
They have programs serving the community including Energy Efficiency (Home Weatherization Assistance Program), Housing Stability and Crisis Assistance (Home Energy Winter Crisis Program (HEAP), Job Training & Certification, Climate Justice Initiatives and Youth Services (including Achieve More and Prosper (A.M.P.) In-and Out of School Programs).
IMPACT’s programs and services have evolved with the times, however the agency’s core philosophy toward addressing poverty conditions in our community remains unchanged. Despite the common perception that “anti-poverty” agencies merely give handouts and reinforce the entitlement mentality, IMPACT focuses its efforts and resources to move people from crisis to stability, from stability to empowerment, and from empowerment to self-sufficiency.
For more information on how you can get involved and support this incredible organization including advocacy, donations and volunteer opportunities, please visit: IMPACT Community Action (impactca.org).
Special thanks to CEO Bo Chilton and his dedicated team for their compassion, empathy and leadership serving the community.